Have you been taken down by a case of the January Blues? It's cold, dark and the festive fun is over. Well why not try these scientifically-proven ways to beat the January Blues - they're worth a try right?


Laugh out loud

A good chuckle will have the same feel-good effect however it’s achieved. Laughter activates the regions in your brain that regulate emotion and suppresses the release of the stress hormone cortisol.


Spend time with friends

Who knew that hanging out with your pals is actually good for your health? So make time and stop by for a beer or watch that football match you thought about.


Break a sweat

By now we should all be familiar with the fact that exercise is good for us, no matter how hard we try to convince ourselves otherwise. And we all kind of know that somehow the associated release of endorphins can make us feel great, right? But getting regular exercise comes with a whole host of benefits that contribute to feelings of happiness and general wellbeing. Regular exercise (it has to be for at least 20 minutes) is credited with releasing pleasure / happiness neurotransmitter dopamine, reducing stress, allaying anxiety, re-energising us, boosting our confidence and aiding a good night’s sleep.


Eat yourself happy

Around ninety percent of “happy hormone”, serotonin, is made in in your gut, so make sure yours is in tip-top shape. For a quick fix, foods high in tryptophan — such as cheese, eggs and turkey — are said to boost the production of serotonin when eaten in conjunction with carbs. Try to avoid junk food and alcohol which could de-stabilize mood and make anxiety worse.


Listen to music

Listening to your favourite tunes can put you in a better mood and relax you because of that delicious dopamine feeling. Why not try relaxing to our #wearethesea Mazu Resortwear playlist [available on spotify], perfect as background music to your dinner party or  lazy Sunday afternoon.



Meditation is a popular way to balance the mind and boost the mood, and can be done within group classes or alone at home. 


Stay away from social media

It may be a great way to stay connected but studies show that spending hours scrolling through social media sites such as Facebook and Instagram can make us feel a bit, well, crap.  It seems that flicking through the virtual lives of others can cause anxiety, isolation, low self-esteem and poor sleep, so tuck those phones away and make time to see people.

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